Monday, 25 November 2019

Love Is Strange. (Part 2/2)

"Love is More Valuable than Infinite Diamonds" -Mjax Age 6

Hello Again, 

So last Time I promised One thing kinda and then went on a tangent about the history leading up to it,
This time I'm going to for certain explain what that first Post was supposed to be about.

The whirlwind and confusion that I experienced after Entering my first real relationship was well confusing. I suppose it being long distance didn't help but while i Knew i was much happier and definitley glad id reacted the way I did, I found myself at odds with myself with feelings a friend likened to Imposter Syndrome, the state of mind where you believe that you are not the person who you tell people you are, nor who they see in you. Which I agree is pretty accurste to how i was feeling, I kept fighting against this thought in my mind that i was lying to them and myself, that I didn't truly love them, that Id acted rashly out of fear. Various things led to this I'm sure not least of all was the lack of hormone inbalance making everything seem less intense than with my first crush.

I kept questioning myself and others on what they thought was the truth, Was it fear of losing that person if I rejected them, or worse broke up with them because I was wrong, or Did I truly love this person and simply hadn't fully come to terms with this different kind of feeling, fueled by self doubt and other factors. 

Eventually I talked to them about it, straight up. after having deemed for myself that I infact did care about them more than anyone before, that I would be willing to self sacrifice for their well being, and that I probabbly wouldn't have even been this concerned if I didn't.

They reassured me about things and understood it quite well. I was and still am Damn positive I love this person, even if the "usual" signs weren't there at first. Besides, im neuroatypical so I'm not even completely sure if the Usual applies to me. I know the first time I fell in love was different from what I expected too. 

Anyhow, It's because my experiences were so different from how I normally see it described and shown that I wanted to delve into it, 2 years after the fact, to really describe just how Strange Love really is.

Until Next Time,

Mjax Majoran

What Is Love? (Part 1/2)

"Love is weird in humans, it kinda defies the usual chemicals and urges to procreate. Even as a cynic I find that pretty beautiful" -Mjax Majoran

Dear World,

So usually I'm all fancy and formal and pretentious with these entries but I really think this topic doesn't need, and in some ways doesn't deserve that kind of needless parody/formality.

I suppose My experiences with what I'll refer to as Romantic Love for clarity have been a bit Tumultuous overall. Starting with the whole "love is great and beautiful but its not for me, to a few dumb crushes which were mostly fabricated to get people off my back or because I figured they were cute-ish personality or Appearance wise. but most of those I don't think I'd ever consider Real, at least not in the way my last two... including my current; dances with romantic love have been.

It's important to know that I view myself very much as complicated when it comes to my Sexuality and Romantic interests, the closest labels applicable would probably be Asexual* PanRomantic.

The reason for the * there is that while I derive little pleasure from traditional sexual imagery, flirting, and the physical appearance of others. I am capable of enjoying Physical intimacy with someone I actually love romantically, even if it's partially or mostly due to their enjoyment by proxy. I am also quite capable of self pleasure though require Paraphilias or a long time to really get in the mood. traditionally Sexual themes do not apply to me.

With that Digression out of the way Let's talk about that First real Crush. In the interests of being mature I won't be saying their name or alluding to details which would allow someone who I didn't trust to discover their identity, As that would risk harassment of them which They do not deserve.

I found my first crush much in the same way i found my current love, the difference in their case was I was introduced via a mutual friend who had met them years prior and knew We were both into the same show at the time, it wasn't a matchmaking thing at all, my friend just figured I'd like someone to discuss the show with. This person and I became fast friends, even meeting in person so as to be more comfortable talking to each other (I wasn't even in high school at the time) And while I knew from the beginning something was different, I didn't yet know what. Overtime we became quite close in my opinions discussing all sorts of personal things and deep thoughts. Shit in retrospect probably led to the downfall of our friendship entirely. I won't say hormones had nothing to do with what happened, but Quite a few bystanders at the time did assure me what happened was in fact That i fell in love for realsies.

My biggest mistake was not being able to really read people well back then, that and admitting to my crush so soon in a game of truth or dare. There were other signs of course that I should have let go and moved on, the revolving door of relationships they had at the time (some of whom were objectively pretty immature and toxic) and never offering me a chance. I probably would have been better off if my assertion to myself that we were better off as friends wasn't being clouded by my hormones and legitimate feelings. At two points I believe I approached them myself, both times they gave valid reasonings that nevertheless hurt quite a bit and really got to me. In some of the final years shit got really messy as a meetup group for the show we created together started having drama, fingers were pointed every which way. And My crush just kinda disappeared off the grid. many Years later I found myself giving friendship another shot after we had ceased speaking for a long time, it started out fine, but turned sour when the "real" reasoning for having disappeared and consistently rejecting me came out. What prompted it was merely me reminiscing on positive memories that had nothing to do with it. Their reasoning while valid, was also hypocritical and manipulative. They deemed I needed to let go of both the good and bad, and move on, that memories would only fuel the fact that I was as a person Depressing.

It took me a long time to forgive them, and forgive myself. And while I would apologize and try to start anew, I think that their entire point was pretty clear. We were more different than I thought in that way.

My current Love, whom I hope to keep, I met before my first real crush, and in fact re-met after this whole shiz went down. I at first had feelings toward them, but due to previous experience and their significantly long distance I forced myself to repress them, which i Successfully did for many years. Anyway, a Couple years back and sometime still, They Started dropping hints, and i'm kind of well ace and autistic and sometimes dense so I never picked up on it. To be fair the hints were at first subtle, stuff I took for granted like drawings of our animal characters cuddling like animals do. It didn't even seem unusual to me when the actual flirtish jokes happened because that was just our humour, I really should have realised that nobody draws your characters over 100 times for free with extensive effort just because you're friends. and I mean the Friends With Art Benefits Joke? And the hearts drawn on some of the drawings. Yeah I was dense. Overtime though I really noticed certain things I either didn't or couldn't repress.

Listening and talking to them for hours about anything and everything, finding myself making joke plans to come visit them, always being more critical of their choices but supportive too. Not to mention the fact that, they just made me well happy. I guess i never acknowledged it as love again because what i'd felt during my first crush felt so much more like what the media tries to push as Real Romance, those feelings and actions that are hyperbolic in every article or movie. It made things hard to discern between a really close friend and something a bit more. At one point though They confessed to me, outright, and I guess I was expecting something deep or important when they kept struggling to just say it, but I know I hadn't been expecting it.

I recall turning red, and being unable to speak for a few moments... and then I just returned the sentiment, without second thought.*

It was a bit of a whirlwind after that, and its kind of the main reason for this post.

but since this is long winded enough I'll get into it on a second part.

Until then,
Mjax Majoran

Self Improvement and The Internal Struggle: A Pretentious Literary Analogy.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." -Ernest Hemmingway

Dear World,

It's been some time since I updated this old blog and a lot of things have happened in the interim, I suppose the most notable things would require Posts of their own but to put things in perspective, on November 15th 2017 I in no uncertain terms entered into a romantic long distance relationship. I cannot be certain that it was meeting them in person (the following summer) for the first time since we'd met in 2012 that spurred me to Be where i Currently find myself motivation wise, but I have no doubts it was a contributor. 

I had told myself if I started doing these again they'd be less 900 IQ Galaxy brain, but I Somewhat enjoy the more formal writing style.

But I digress, It is now the final full week of november 2019, and as of recently i've rediscovered a motivation for self improvement in all areas of my life. Including Fitness, Health, Hygiene, Social Skills and of course Home Maintenence and Cleansliness. Through use of a similar app to the popular Habitica plus my own self disipline I've set and sought goals that are more tangible and in my face. This first week had some bumps I will admit, but I hope to develop some positive habits in the long run. This of course won't be the first time I have tried... I usually try quite q few times every year with mixed results. Usually starting with a cliche pep talk monologue, a week of slowly getting into the groove, a second week of absolute improvement and then one day Where i slip up and everything falls apart for several months. 

I can't help but compare this to the literary ideas of the Internal Struggle/External Motivation. For if I were a fictional character I'm quite sure why I consistently fail at what I've been doing would be the former, with my reasonings for even trying to, the latter.

External motivations like the physical health and wellbeing of myself, my family and animal companions, impressing job interviewers and an end to the constant reminders of my dwindling ability to be independant. And internal struggles like self image, self esteem, procrastination, bad decisions and even outright laziness. Not to mention the mental disorders which while not solely responsible, do contribute and enable these flaws of self. 

It is my hope that like a fictional character then, that I shall be able to rise above and overcome. Truly improving in all aspects by the end of my story.

Mjax Majoran