Friday, 30 June 2017

What Can We Do About Difference and Tolerance?

"We may be different, but we don't have to be alone." - Forest Rain

Dear World,

Is it truly written in our D.N.A that we must act as we do? For those of you that accept that us humans are animals it may not be exactly hard to imagine that we would inherit instincts similar to them, such as a fear or dislike of difference. This behavior is omnipresent in everything in our history from the earliest tribes, to the wars fought for friends, to the racism of yesterday and the bullies of today. Is it perhaps unfair to shift the blame onto nature for such a decisive flaw?

There is no shame in fearing the different so long as we can truly come to appreciate it, if not merely tolerate it with kindness I believe. Our world is so torn by being unique yet adhering to unspoken Norms. Perhaps I am biased since I am a person of Quirkiness both in personality and in mentality; but I believe it's our differences that make us stronger.

But where is the line drawn, when is difference too much? My thoughts are quite simple on that matter. If what you do or say does not hurt anyone else directly or indirectly as a result of intent or malice... you yourself are just fine the way you are. The question should not be is it okay to do this, is it my right to say that... but rather is it right to... does anyone truly gain or is suffering the primary outcome.

Of course this doesn't much touch on the internet's ever so preconceived notions of criticism, hatred, autism, cancer and racism... Often true criticism is ignored in favour of harsh hatred... and when true criticism is given, it is deflected and admonished by scapegoat of being hatred.

Hatred is too strong a feeling to waste on anything and anyone you don't like... instead of trying to change people to what you deem is right, Look first at the self, then at the others.
This is not to say you should not stand up if you see inaction with others mistakes... but the steadfast rule should always be... are they hurting themselves or others and never by your own judgement, but by the judgement of the people who are being harmed.

There are of course many exceptions and side notes to these thoughts... none of which could fully be explored in a mere blog post... but I just want to bring about unity not through equality, but egalitarian mindsets, and equity. I want you to accept you for you.

Believe in yourself,

Mjax Majoran

Friday, 23 June 2017

The translator – experiment Results

The following article is one about various different intern translators their effectiveness to discover, if they with grammatically wrong or average statements confront to experiment.

The title uses goofle, the first paragraph and the second uses systranet, this one is used in Bings Translator. I will always my german friend to hopefully direct translate this post after his graduation , to test the accuracy of it.

While for easy sentences useful I predict, that the internet translators won't be, could be able to clearly translate that is, how a human too. And, while he can to seem obviously the growing usage of internet translators as one go, is very obvious.

After one complete, direct translation, which is right, I will post it and we will be able to compare it.

Mjax Majoran

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Das Übersetzer-Experiment

Der folgende Beitrag ist eine über mehrere unterschiedliche interne Übersetzer ihre Wirksamkeit zu entdecken, wenn sie mit grammatikalisch falsch oder durchschnittliche Aussagen konfrontiert zu experimentieren.

Der folgende Beitrag ist eine über mehrere unterschiedliche interne Übersetzer ihre Wirksamkeit zu entdecken, wenn sie mit grammatikalisch falsch oder durchschnittliche Aussagen konfrontiert zu experimentieren.

Der Titel verwendet google, der erste Absatz und der zweite verwendet systranet, dieser wird verwendet Bings in Translator. Ich werde immer mein fgerkan Freund zu hoffentlich direkt übersetzen diesen Pfosten nach seinem Abschluss, um die Genauigkeit davon zu testen.

Während für einfache Phrasen nützlich ich vorhersage, dass die Internetübersetzer nicht sein werden, konnte sble, das eindeutig zu übersetzen ist, wie auch ein Mensch. Und, während das kann, zu scheinen offensichtlich, die Wachsenden Gebrauch von Internetübersetzern als ein gehen, ist sehr offensichtlich.

Nach einer vollständigen direkten Übersetzung, die richtig ist, werde ich es posten und wir werden es vergleichen können.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Mjax Majoran

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

The Potential of Derivative Fiction, and its relationship with Fanfiction

"It's what I would call a derivative fiction not a fan fiction, something that makes you say, that could be its own thing if it wanted to." - Mjax Majoran

Dear World,

In the same way that Math is a science, but Science is not math, or more crudely how Peanut butter is a condiment but condiments are not peanut butter. Derivative fiction as pretentious as the term is... and thats coming from the person whom (to my knowledge) coined it (myself) refers to the idea of what can be considered derivative work versus that which is commonplace in the fan art community. For sure all derivative works can be considered fan works, but not all fan works can from a legal sense or artistic one... call themselves derivative work.

To better explain it may be necessary to explain the basic rules of "copyright law" in regards to Derivative works, and by extension how creativity is viewed by yours truly.

"a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major copyright-protected elements of an original, previously created first work (the underlying work). The derivative work becomes a second, separate work independent in form from the first. The transformation, modification or adaptation of the work must be substantial and bear its author's personality to be original and thus protected by copyright. Translations, cinematic adaptations and musical arrangements are common types of derivative works." -Wikipedia on Derivative works

Indeed I think wikipedia best sums it up from a legal standpoint. Creativity is something of hot debate and many mistake the concept of innovation, immitation and creation. Often times You will see something and realise you have seen this before, the style, the ideals, even the format. But this is not into of itself Complete Copying. Because the basis of creation itself is to take inspiration, and create something out of something else. Immitation is not the same as copying, or knocking off. Where a knock off seeks only to profit off of another's idea with little to no effort, Imitators often do so while adding their own personality and twist to the idea. This is how genres are created, and how Tropes are established. As unlimited as the universe is, inspiration is not. Its in these cases where those who understand the ideas behind a concept may seek to innovate it, make it anew. This is creativity all the same.

So then what separates derivative work, derivative fiction and fanfiction? The concept behind them.
You can think of it as a tent with the derivative work being the top, fanfiction the poles, and the sleeping bags derivative fiction. among it though are also old bags of chips, or tears in the plastic... this is what seperates things.
For while fanfiction in and of itself is a derivative work, it is not always done so with the intent to create something new, or to innovate; inspiration may be limited or the ideas dare I say cliched. Where as anyone and their dog could write an erotic slashfiction, or ShipFic. It would take someone of express talent to do so in such a way that makes it their own, to set it apart from everything else like it.

Fallout: Equestria is at its most basic, a Crossover Fanfiction. The concept itself ludicrous, the premise ridiculous, and the chosen works of which it derives its core elements... as polar opposite as one can get. So why then did it recieve such a huge following so as to recieve two runs of hardcover printings, spawn a wiki of its own, and in an odd turn of events create a genre all on its own.

The answer has already been given to you. It is because it's author was not only a fan of these works, but had a talent that they expressed with passion, it did not matter how ludicrous the idea was because via the knowledge, and personality the 48 Chapter Novel gave, by the way it seamlessly combined two worlds that were so opposite in such a unique way so as to have just enough elements of both it's parent works and retain its own uniquities. Its characters and its story were its own, its world was its own with only echoes of the world it came from, It innovated. The author created something new, unexpected and critically acclaimed. Was it any surprise then that one of the owners of said properties noticed, amd even praised the work? This is Derivative Fiction, It is the essence of taking something old and making it your own, making something new and exciting. But I am repeating myself.

What else could it take to seperate these two... well for one, concept. While almost universally hated for their existence in fanfiction Original Characters or OCs can be done well as seen in FO:E, the problem is that when you do so, you have to make a case. You need to be able to do something that has not been done before, at least not in the way youve done it. You need to create or expand upon what you have rather than stagnate with everything already present.

A Fanfiction may incorporate the daily life of John OC, in main town, but if it never goes anywhere else... then what exactly is the point for the reader? Why should they care about John OC when they know that their favorite characters exist just around the corner. In some aspects you could make John OC interact with these characters, but your mistake would be to have them interact without truly interacting. John OC should not be best friends with The Main Cast, because this leads down a path pf mary sue and "that background isnt important" mentalities. Conversely if John OC were to wish to get to know the main cast, and had a reason beyond the typical "fan" ideology, an entire story could feasibly be set around this.

The biggest issue between a fanfiction and a derivative fiction is where one seeks only to immitate with added personality, the other wishes to innovate and tell a unique story. This same concept can be pulled off brilliantly with the central cast of characters already established as well... the slippery slope here however is ensuring you know these characters at a broad enough level that you can appeal to all fans of said character and not just yourself. It is to know a character as the original creator knows them and not as a fan. While it is generally good to innovate and make unique changes... at the end of a day, people are reading the derivative because they want more of what they love. This is often reffered to in criticism as Out Of Character moments, and not even the original works are immune to it.

Fanfictions are broad from slice of life, to adventure, from dark horror, to Comedic randomness but derivative fiction is not tied down to one genre... idealy it should incorporate most if not all of it in some way. Where as a story book can tell a story, a derivative fiction should spin a chronicle, a tale which leaves the reader satisfied, In general Derivative fiction can be broadly just be said to apply as a term in which enough is changed, and enough is kept the same, to sepparate itself from the similar things around it, to leave many people saying this was a story they wouldn't mind paying for. A derrivative fiction should feel professional, but warm, it should invest, and keep the person wanting more.

In the end it's not enough to simply want to tell a story, but moreso to have the passion to create one.
But hey, That's just my rough explanation, know any good derivative fictions or works, send em my way.


Mjax Majoran

Monday, 19 June 2017

When The End Is Not Enough.

“The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.”
― Juliette Lewis

Dear World,

Hello again, Did you ever feel like things were just so damn hopeless that it didn't matter what you did you knew it wasn't going to work out. Thinking to yourself there was no way in hell you deserved this.
Well I think we have all been there, but as I reach a point in my life where I am struggling to get by, hold a job, get income support because I'm mentally disabled in many ways. Yet can't seem to bring myself together as an impossible deadline looms closer than ever. You might ask, have I tried everything?
Certainly World I have not, I have been given numerous places to try going to try to fix this situation which plagues me. Yet without the money to get to these places, I find myself in a bit of a bind. See to get help to get to these places I first need to be able to get to the places which can help get me to places. Catch 22. Living in canada with all these fancy electronics you would think me rich... but no... I'm merely surounded by generous people who know the hardships I and my mother face on the daily. Within a couple weeks i will lose all coverage for the medications which keep me from killing myself either out of stupidity, or out of grief... or out of pain. When this happens it will be next to impossible for me to apply for help programs the likes of which "Conservatives" would like to eradicate, or even a decent job.

I have been labeled Medically Unable to Work Full Time. This was a blow to my psyche like none other, I havent had nightmares in 10 years, and yet now i find myself in a new nightmare every night... my sleeping is off, my life is off and all i have left is hope.

So imagine my surprise (and guilt) when, despite everything, the online friends I had always deemed as "just online friends" decided to band together and start donating money to me via paypal. To think that I somehow mattered so much to these people who had never even seen me in person... i think in a way it sort of gave me hope again.

Tomorrow, I shall be going to two places with any luck with the intentions of finding paths i might be able to take to fix this mess. Remember nobody ever said it would be easy, they only said it would be worth it.
While I cannot tell that for sure, I'm not even 20 yet afterall. It does seem to me that there are moments that make all the pain worth living through. I don't update this blog nearly as often as I'd like to... comsider that a quirk I suppose. But when I do, I always seem to write as if I'm formally speaking to someone, in a way such that one would think I'm a 33 year old british guy from the 1800s. Which would be kind of silly when you think about it.

So I ask, when the end isn't enough to bring you down, what possibly can? I'm curious to know what you think!

Sincerely Yours,

Mjax Majoran